Malcolm Goodale | Language Teaching Publications (Jan 1987)
ISBN-10: 0906717469 | ISBN-13: 978-0906717462
PDF | English | 8.4 MB | 122 pages
This book deals extremely comprehensively with all aspects of the Language of Meetings. It provides the language necessary to present an argument, ask/express and opinion, agree/disagree, interrupt, question, clarify, support, oppose and persuade.
The units are separated into a kind of introduction to see what language the students already know (great for the TTT approach). It then gives lists of language used for each function. Great at showing "lexical chunks" of language. Then there's a gapfill page to consolidate and help students learn and remember. A 'mini-task' puts the language into practice with dialogue chains, or mini-roleplays with topic suggestions. The end of the units consist of collocation matching exercises.
Great to dip into for use in more general classes, or use more methodically and work through each unit with students who reguarly have to attend meetings.
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