Friday, 24 April 2009
TIME Magazine April 27, 2009 Vol. 173 No. 16
• COVER: The New Frugality: How Americans Are Cutting Back - The Great Recession is transforming how we spend, whom we trust, where we save and what we really value
• NATION: How to Raise the Standard in America's Schools - Our students are falling behind their counterparts in the rest of the world, threatening the U.S.'s economic future. Why national education standards are the only way to fix the system
• EDUCATION: Logging On to the Ivy League - Why top-tier universities are racing to give the public free online access to their best lecturers
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Michael J. Fox - The actor and Parkinson's activist has a new memoir, Always Looking Up. Michael J. Fox will now take your question
NEW LINKS: DOC = 4.7 MB; PDF = 1.2 MB
Oxford Basics: Simple Reading Activities

By Jill Hadfield and Charles Hadfield
Oxford University Press | ISBN: 0194421732
PDF | English | 5.3 MB
Special features include:
* Pictures and texts for teachers to copy
* Tips on producing reading texts
* Suggestions for reading with large classes
* Ideas for expanding vocabulary
* Adaptable activities
Languages - English
Comprehension 1, 2 and 3 Student Books with keys

By D'Arcy Adrian-Vallance and Lewis Lansford
Pearson Longman | ISBN: 0582506638
PDF | English | 20.5 MB
Comprehension is a graded series of three reading comprehension books for young learners. The books include: • pre-reading tasks • pictures to introduce and support the texts • tips to improve reading skills • tasks to practise specific skills • tasks to check general understanding of the text • interesting, varied and enjoyable texts • comprehension exercises • writing or completing sentences about the text • extension activity: vocabulary development, written composition or oral task.
Three books combined in one pdf file. At the end of each one there is an answer key.
Languages - English
The Neanderthals

By Friedemann Schrenk and Stephanie Müller
Routledge (Nov. 2008) | ISBN: 0415425190 | pages 124
PDF | English | 6.8 MB
The Neanderthal is among the most mysterious relatives of Homo sapiens: Was he a dull, club-swinging muscleman, or a being with developed social behavior and the ability to speak, to plan precisely, and even to develop views on the afterlife?
For many, the Neanderthals are an example of primitive humans, but new discoveries suggest that this image needs to be revised. Half a million years ago in Ice Age Europe, there emerged people who managed to cope well with the difficult climate – Neanderthal Man. They formed an organized society, hunted Mammoths, and could make fire. They were able to pass on knowledge; they cared for the old and the handicapped, burying their dead, and placing gifts on their graves. Yet, they became extinct, despite their cultural abilities.
This richly illustrated book, written for general audiences, provides a competent look at the history, living conditions, and culture of the Neanderthal.
The Oxford Dictionary of the Jewish Religion

By R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, Geoffrey Wigoder
Oxford University Press, USA (1997) | ISBN: 0195086058 | 792 pages
PDF | English | 38.6 MB
The 2400 entries in this dictionary include unsigned but revised articles from the editors' Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion (1966. o.p.), as well as many new signed articles covering significant elements and biographies related to the Jewish religion and interfaith relations. In Oxford fashion, this is by far the most academic one-volume work available on the subject because of the caliber of the contributing scholars and the bibliographies. The timeliness of the work is evidenced by entries on such topics as feminism, women, and "Technology and Halakhah." It also satisfactorily represents the variety of Jewish traditions (including Bene Israel and Beta Israel) plus such innovations as Havurot, confirmations, and the Bat Mitzvah. The two articles defining the temple clearly show its balanced portrayal. Access is alphabetical, with good cross-referencing of subject headings - especially helpful with Hebrew terms, so that "Kaddish" is referred to "Quaddish."
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries,
The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading

By Jonathan Riley-Smith
Continuum Publishing (Sept. 2000) | ISBN: 0826467261 | 236 Pages
PDF | English | 12 MB
This is a brilliant book by a leading historian of the crusades. It needs to be understood on its own terms: it's a detailed analysis of why so many Europeans set off on the 1st Crusade. Riley-Smith has produced a closely-argued analysis that places the crusade within the context of the world of eleventh-century Europe that created it. This isn't the place to go if you want accounts of the battles of the crusade, and it isn't a light read but it's very clear, dynamic and extremely valuable. The author presents facts in an interesting and condensed way, and he does take time to explain the sources he has used in his investigation.
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Spanish Culture

Routledge (1999) | ISBN: 0415131871 | Pages: 624
PDF | English | 3.2 MB
The 750 A-Z entries in this new work cover the cultural and political developments throughout Spain, including the culture of Catalonia, Galicia and the Basque country. Coverage spans from the end of the Civil War in 1939 to the present day, with emphasis on the changes made since the demise of the Franco dictatorship in 1975.
Entries range from shorter, factual articles to longer overview essays which offer an in-depth treatment of major issues. The encyclopedia defines culture in its broadest sense, and encompasses a wide range of subjects, including entries on:
advertising, Antonio Banderas, dance, detective fiction, education, fashion, Antonio Gaudi, golf, journalism, opera, politics, racism, science, sculpture, stock exchanges, tennis, theatre, urbanization, and much more. This volume provides a comprehensive index, a thematic contents list and annotated suggestions for further reading following the longer articles.
The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Spanish Culture is an invaluable resource for students of Spanish or European studies, professionals working in overseas and "hispanophiles" at all levels.
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
The Ancient Languages of Asia and the Americas

By Roger D. Woodard
Cambridge University Press (May 2008) | ISBN-10: 0521684943 | Pages: 296
PDF | English | 3.5 MB
This book, derived from the acclaimed Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages, describes the ancient languages of Asia and the Americas, for the convenience of students and specialists working in that area. Each chapter of the work focuses on an individual language or, in some instances, a set of closely related varieties of a language. Providing a full descriptive presentation, each of these chapters examines the writing system(s), phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicon of that language, and places the language within its proper linguistic and historical context. The volume brings together an international array of scholars, each a leading specialist in ancient language study. While designed primarily for scholars and students of linguistics, this work will prove invaluable to all whose studies take them into the realm of ancient language.
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture

By Edward L. Davis
Routledge (Dec. 2008) | ISBN: 041577716X | 832 pages
PDF | English | 5.8 MB
In the last quarter-century, the resources of China's pre-socialist past have been rediscovered and combined with current influences to reinvent Chinese culture. This is the first source to digest China's vast cultural output and make it accessible to the English-speaking world. More than 1,000 entries, written by an international team of specialists, explore a diverse range of subjects- from prisons to rock groups and underground Christian churches to TV talk shows- while also offering biographical essays and information on more traditional cultural topics. The book's focus is on mainland China since 1980, but it also includes coverage of Hong Kong and Taiwan. Entries are indexed under eighteen categories for easy thematic browsing and include up-to-date references for further reading.
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
Encyclopedia of Technology Terms

Que Publishing | ISBN-10: 0789726408 | 840 pages
PDF | English | 17.2 MB
Encyclopedia of Technology Terms belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who's ever been tripped up by a computer acronym, curious about the origins of a technology term, or looking for the definitive guide to get them through a world laced with jargon, computer acronyms, and techno-speak. Written in plain English and organized alphabetically,'s Encyclopedia of Technology Terms gives you easy-to-understand definitions to more than 3,500 technology terms and 10,000 acronyms, covering computer hardware, software, networking, the World Wide Web and Internet, data storage, wireless telecommunications, and security. Students, writers, journalists, high-tech marketers, and computer enthusiasts alike will find's Encyclopedia of Technology Terms an indispensable and enjoyable companion in today's technology-driven world.
Thursday, 23 April 2009
Didactic Crosswords 1, Level 1

By Edward R. Rosset
Editorial Stanley | ISBN 8478731806 | 44 pages
PDF | English | 8.8 MB
Didactic Crosswords 1 is the first of a colection of five. You will find here, not a test of general knowledge, but a series of basical words in English, the number of which will be increasing as you solve the crosswords. Crosswords ST (Stanley) are, therefore, a didactic pastime.
For Children,
Languages - English
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
TIME Magazine Collection, January 2009 (3 Issues)
Time (trademarked in capitals as TIME) is a weekly American newsmagazine, similar to Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report.
Time Magazine was created in 1923 by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce, making it the first weekly news magazine in the United States. The first issue of Time was published on March 3, 1923, featuring on its cover Joseph G. Cannon, the retired Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; a facsimile reprint of Issue No. 1, including all of the articles and advertisements contained in the original, was included with copies of the February 28, 1938 issue as a commemoration of the magazine's 15th anniversary.
Since 2000, the magazine has been part of AOL Time Warner, which subsequently reverted to the name Time Warner in 2003.
In 2007, Time moved from a Monday subscription/newsstand delivery to a schedule where the magazine goes on sale Fridays, and is delivered to subscribers on Saturday.
TIME Magazine January 12, 2009 Vol. 173 No. 1

DOC (MS Word) + PDF + Audio (MP3) | English | 5.0 + 1.4 + 17.4 MB
• COVER: America's Untapped Energy Resource: Boosting Efficiency - We don't need new drilling or new power plants. We need to get efficient
• NATION: Nuclear's Comeback: Still No Energy Panacea - Proponents tout atomic energy as a clean, carbon-free alternative to coal and oil. But sky-high costs and uncertain financing could sink nukes again
• WORLD: Postcard from Moscow - The global financial turmoil that has hammered Russia's economy hasn't stopped its superrich from spending--yet. Russia's millionaires keep their heads up
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Ban Ki-Moon - The U.N. Secretary-General discusses global goals for the new year. Ban Ki-moon will now take your questions
NEW LINKS: DOC = 5.0 MB; PDF = 1.4 MB; MP3 [96kps, 44 kHz] = 17.4 MB
The Last of the Mohicans (Webster's Thesaurus Edition)

By James Fenimore Cooper
Publisher: ICON Group International, Inc.
PDF | English | File size: 7 MB
Have you ever read a great classic and come across an unfamiliar word? There are many editions of The Last of the Mohicans. This one is worth the price if you would like to enrich your vocabulary, whether for self-improvement or for preparation in advance of entrance examinations. Each page is annotated with a mini-thesaurus of uncommon words highlighted in the text. Not only will you experience a great classic, but learn the richness of the English language with synonyms and antonyms at the bottom of each page.
Designed for school districts, educators, and students seeking to maximize performance on standardized tests, Webster’s paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in English courses. By using a running thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this edition of The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper was edited for students who are actively building their vocabularies in anticipation of taking PSAT®, SAT®, AP® (Advanced Placement®), GRE®, LSAT®, GMAT® or similar examinations.
Languages - English,
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
National Geographic - April 2009
The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow frame that surrounds its front cover.
In this Issue:
• The She-King of Egypt - Why did Hatshepsut decide to rule Egypt as a man?
• Australia's Dry Run - Farmers feel betrayed by the climate.
• Changing Rains - Droughts and deluges could stir up political unrest.
• Svalbard's Ice Paradise - Seals, bears, and birds flourish on Norway's islands.
• Resurrecting Russia's Church - The faithful search for a new, post-Soviet identity.
• Vanishing Amphibians - Scientists race to save them from threats.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Osprey Men-at-Arms 086 Samurai Armies 1550-1615

Author: Stephen Turnbull. Illustrator: Richard Hook
Osprey Publishing (1979) | ISBN10: 085045302X | 49 pages
PDF | English | 12 MB
In 1543 three Portuguese merchants entered a turbulent Japan, bringing with them the first firearms the Japanese had ever seen: simple matchlock muskets called arquebuses. They proved a decisive addition to the Japanese armoury, as for centuries the samurai had fought only with bow, sword and spear. In 1575, one of the greatest original thinkers in the history of samurai, Oda Nobunaga, arranged his arquebusiers in ranks three deep behind a palisade and proceeded, quite literally, to blow his opponent's cavalry to pieces, marking the beginning of a new era in Japanese military history.
For Children,
National Geographic - March 2009
The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow frame that surrounds its front cover.
Osprey Men-at-Arms 067 The Indian Mutiny

Author: John Wilkinson-Latham. Illustrator: Gerry Embleton
Osprey Publishing (1977) | ISBN: 0850452597 | 40 pages
PDF | English | 18 MB
On the 24 April 1855, Colonel Carmichael Smyth held a parade of the ninety skirmishers of the 3rd Light Cavalry of the Bengal Army at Meerut, some 30 miles from Delhi. The disastrous events that followed sparked an almost wholesale mutiny of the Honourable East India Company's Bengal Native Army. Had the ensuing uprising succeeded, it would have threatened the validity of the entire British Empire. As it was the Mutiny witnessed several tragic and bloody events, from the original incident in Meerut to the horrifying siege of Cawnpore. Christopher Wilikinson-Latham details the history of the conflict, from its beginnings to ultimate resolution.
For Children,
Thursday, 16 April 2009
English Phrasal Verbs in Use Advanced

By Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell
Cambridge University Press | ISBN: 978-05-216-8418-7 | 188 pages
PDF | English | 74 MB
This new level of English Phrasal Verbs in Use is specifically designed for advanced level students looking to improve their knowledge of this often difficult area of the English language. English Phrasal Verbs in Use includes many phrasal verbs useful to students preparing for the Cambridge CAE, CPE and IELTS examinations.
This book includes 60 Units Of Vocabulary Reference And Practice; presents and explains approximately 1.000 phrasal verbs in typical contexts using short texts, dialogues, tables and charts; contains answer key and a mini Dictionary with easy to understand definitions and cross references to units in the book.
BOOK = 74 MB
BOOK (reduced) = 5.6 MB
Languages - English
Advanced Expert CAE (New Edition 2008)

Student's Resource Book with Key and Audio CD
By Jan Bell, Roger Gower
Longman Pearson Education (2008) | ISBN: 9781405880817 | 203 pages
PDF | English | 115 MB
New Edition for the December 2008 exam. The expert series delivers the rigorous exam training and thorough language development that will have your high-achieving students scoring top marks every time.
• Assure your students of exam success with the integrated exam tips and strategies as well as regular review sections
• Build your students writing and speaking skills with the thorough, step-by-step skills development activities
• Encourage self study using the extensive reference material including exam material, grammar, writing and functions
• Exam style tasks throughout the course with integrated tips and strategies familiarise students with the exam format
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
Languages - English
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
The Complete Poems: Anne Sexton

Mariner Books (April 1999) | ISBN-10: 0395957761 | 656 pages
PDF | English | 6 MB
It's organized, chronologically, by her books (and hence her life): each poem from each book is within this one, plus some previously unpublished poems. Each of her books--in this case, chapters--is thematically consistent: fairy tales (Sexton-style "homages"), "love poems," time in the institution, etc.
UFOs And Popular Culture: An Encyclopedia Of Contemporary Myth

by James R. Lewis
ABC-Clio Inc (December 2000) | ISBN-10: 1576072657 | 393 pages
PDF | English | 5.6 MB
Are extraterrestrials providing the military with alien technology in exchange for carte blanche abduction rights? Are satanists, extraterrestrials--or both--mutilating cattle? Is the human race the result of a breeding experiment carried out by ancient astronauts? Are Crop Circles the pranks of drunken Englishmen or just alien graffiti? Who, really, are Men in Black, and why are they making movies? UFOs and Popular Culture: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Mythology examines these questions and more. UFO culture has penetrated America with a vengeance. From religious beliefs and legends to movies and TV shows, from advertising and celebrities to Internet sites and photo ops, this illustrated A-to-Z encyclopedia is your first-stop resource for understanding UFO beliefs and their impact on contemporary America. Among the topics covered:
• Music and UFOs
• Naked Aliens
• Reincarnation
• Roswell
• Brad Steiger
• Heaven's Gate
• War of the Worlds
• UFO conventions
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
100 Great Artists: A Visual Journey from Fra Angelico to Andy Warhol

By Charlotte Gerlings
Foulsham (2005) | ISBN: 0572031610 | 208 pages
PDF | English | 25 MB
100 Great Artists presents the cream of European painting, from Fra Angelico to Whistler; from the art of the thirteenth century to the modern day. Beautifully designed, the selection is intended to take readers on a wide-ranging journey to reveal how the tradition of European painting was re-interpreted in different locations, from the New World to the Far East.
For the most part, leading exponents trained, inspired or influenced one another, and throughout this book the reader will find stimulating and rewarding connections to enhance their appreciation of these artistic relationships. Arranged alphabetically, 100 Great Artists represents a visual and thought-provoking treat for anyone interested in western painting.
Each entry comprises a perceptive commentary, a time-line to 'place' the art within its historical context, and two full-colour images.
Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
The New Cambridge English Course 2 Practice Book

By Michael Swan and Catherine Walter
Cambridge University Press | ISBN-10: 0521376505 | 119 pages
PDF | English | 14 MB
The New Cambridge English Course is a course teachers and students can rely on to cover the complete range and depth of language and skills needed from beginner to upper-intermediate level. Each level is designed to provide at least 72 hours of class work using the Student's Book, with additional self-study material provided in the Practice Book. The course has a proven multi-syllabus approach which integrates work on all the vital aspects of language study: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, skills, notions and functions.
Free photocopiable placement tests for Levels 1 and 2 are available, with teacher's notes in French, Spanish and Polish and answer sheets to help allocate students to the appropriate level.
The New Cambridge English Course jest kursem, w którym nauczyciele i uczniowie mogą liczyć na pełne pokrycie zakresu i głębi umiejętności językowych, potrzebnych od poziomu beginner do upper-intermediate. Każdy poziom jest zaprojektowany do opracowania w czasie 72 godzin pracy lekcyjnej w oparciu o podręcznik i o dodatkowy materiał zawarty w Practice Book.
Kurs ma udowodnione wieloletnie podejście, które integruje program działający na wszystkie istotne aspekty nauki języka: gramatykę, słownictwo, wymowę, umiejętności i funkcje.
Dołączone są oddzielne testy, możliwe do powielenia, na poziomie 1 i 2 z materiałami metodycznymi dla nauczyciela w języku francuskim, hiszpańskim i polskim oraz arkusze odpowiedzi, które pomagają w przydzieleniu studentów do odpowiedniego poziomu.
BOOK = 14 MB
BOOK (reduced) = 5.7 MB
Languages - English
The Wrong Trousers (Dominoes Reader Level One)

By Bill Bowler | Oxford University Press | ISBN: 9780194243964
PDF | English | 26.6 MB
It's Gromit, the dog's birthday, and his friend, Wallace, gives him an unusual present - a pair of techno-trousers.
At first, Wallace uses the trousers to take Gromit for walks, but when the penguin comes to stay, he uses them one night for something different, very different.
This strange story won the Oscar for Best Animated Short Film in 1990.
For Children,
Languages - English
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Infotech: English for Computer Users: Student's Book

By Santiago Remacha Esteras
Cambridge University Press (April 2008) | ISBN 10: 0521702992 | 168 pages
PDF | English | 30 MB
Fully updated in line with the latest developments in Information Communications Technology (ICT), this course teaches students the language and skills they need to understand and work in the world of computers.
The 30 topic-based units cover everything from computer essentials through to programming, web design, job hunting, and future technologies.
A focus on terminology is combined with vocabulary and grammar practice to give students the tools to use English in areas such as describing features and functions, applying for jobs and discussing the world of ICT.
With the support of clear explanations, no specialist knowledge of ICT is required, making this course ideal for anyone who needs to understand the English of computing for study or work.
BOOK = 116 MB: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
BOOK = 30 MB
IT Books,
Languages - English
National Geographic Russia - January 2009
The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow frame that surrounds its front cover.
National Geographic - January 2009
The National Geographic Magazine, later shortened to National Geographic, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It published its first issue in 1888, just nine months after the Society itself was founded. It is immediately identifiable by the characteristic yellow frame that surrounds its front cover.
Pictures for Language Learning (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

by Andrew Wright
Cambridge University Press (Jan. 1990) | ISBN-10: 0521358000 | 249 pages
PDF | English | 34 MB
Pictures for Language Learning is richly illustrated and provides a valuable guide to the role of pictures and other visual materials in language teaching. It brings together a wealth of ideas on how to use pictures in a wide range of language learning situations. The first section discusses the contribution visuals can make to all the classroom settings in providing real opportunities for students to communicate, whether they are working as a class, in groups or in pairs. Sections B and C contain over 200 practical suggestions for picture-generated language work. These make use of visual materials which are readily available to teachers anywhere or illustrations which have been kept simple so that they can be copied easily. The activities can be integrated into all stages of the language teaching process and advice is given on how to adapt the ideas to suit different teaching environments. The final section describes the process of setting up a picture library and offers guidance on where to begin looking for visuals, how to categorise pictures and different methods of storage.
Languages - English
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Pride and Prejudice (Penguin Readers, Level 5)

by Jane Austen
Pearson Education Ltd (December 2000) | ISBN-10: 0582419352 | 133 pages
PDF | English | 2.3 MB
(Extra: TIME Magazine March 2009 Collection - 5 Issues)
Mrs Bennet wants all of her five daughters to marry and to marry well. When two rich young men come to the village, Mrs Bennet is sure that they will make wonderful husbands. "Penguin Readers" is a series of simplified novels, film novelizations and original titles that introduce students at all levels to the pleasures of reading in English. Originally designed for teaching English as a foreign language, the series' combination of high interest level and low reading age makes it suitable for both English-speaking teenagers with limited reading skills and students of English as a second language. Many titles in the series also provide access to the pre-20th century literature strands of the National Curriculum English Orders. "Penguin Readers" are graded at seven levels of difficulty, from "Easystarts" with a 200-word vocabulary, to Level 6 (Advanced) with a 3000-word vocabulary. In addition, titles fall into one of three sub-categories: "Contemporary", "Classics" or "Originals". At the end of each book there is a section of enjoyable exercises focusing on vocabulary building, comprehension, discussion and writing. Some titles in the series are available with an accompanying audio cassette, or in a book and cassette pack. Additionally, selected titles have free accompanying "Penguin Readers Factsheets" which provide stimulating exercise material for students, as well as suggestions for teachers on how to exploit the Readers in class.
For Children,
Languages - English
Saturday, 4 April 2009
Charles Lamb, Mary Lamb, "Tales from Shakespeare"

Dutton Adult | ISBN: 0460010085 | PDF | 320 pages | 14.6 MB
Shakespeare's fourteen comedies and six tragedies retold in prose. The tales are meant to be submitted to the young reader as an introduction to the study of Shakespeare, for which purpose his words are used whenever it seemed possible to bring them in; and in whatever has been added to give them the regular form of a connected story, diligent care has been taken to select such words as might least interrupt the effect of the beautiful English tongue in which he wrote: therefore, words introduced into our language since his time have been as far as possible avoided.
Although this book is written for children it is great for all ages and is great to get the basic story line before you go to a play. This edition is illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
For Children,
Languages - English,
20 Topics for Free Conversation

by Pawłocki W.M., Chromowa N.А. | Publisher: Bazis, Karo (2004) | 158 pages
PDF | English | 15.5 MB
The manual includes twenty-publicist so-essay, based on today's authentic texts. Their themes, as well as the jobs they allow readers to learn the topic, its discussion, the proof of his point of view. As a result, students learn to be independent oral topics and written answers to any topic, used to work, built on the principles of testing.
Designed for use in graduate classes gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of English, as well as practical lessons on conversation in high schools.
Languages - English
Guide to Patterns and Usage in English (Second Edition)

by Albert Sydney Hornby
Oxford University Press (1980) | ASIN: B0007K5ZJ4 | 261 pages
PDF | English | 23 MB
The object of this book is to provide help and guidance for advanced students of English as a foreign or second language. Idiom is as much a matter of correct word order as of wide vocabulary or knowledge of syntax: and in this book Mr Hornby describes and tabulates the chief English sentence and phrase patterns, and sets down the numerous idiomatic ways of expressing time - relations and other common concepts.
Introduction: the Spoken Language
Part 1: Verbs and Verb Patterns
Part 2: Time and Tense
Part 3: Nouns, Determiners and Adjectives
Part 4: Adverbials
Part 5: Various Concepts and Ways in which they are Expressed
Languages - English
Friday, 3 April 2009
Life in the United Kingdom: A Journey to Citizenship - 2nd Edition (2007)

by Home Office - Life in the United Kingdom Advisory Group
TSO (The Stationery Office), 2nd Edition (2007) | ISBN-10: 0113413130 | 145 pages
PDF | English | 12.6 MB
Pass the Citizenship test with "Life in the UK". This is the official Home Office test book. "Life in the UK - A Journey to Citizenship" is the only official test book and study guide - written by the Home Office Life in the UK Advisory Group, the people who set the citizenship test. It is an essential reading for those taking the Citizenship test wanting to apply for British citizenship or settlement; or, teaching English or basic skills to prospective applicants for British citizenship or settlement. On 2 April 2007, the new Settlement Test and revised Life in the UK Citizenship Test come into effect. Applicants for citizenship or settlement (also known as 'permanent residence' or 'leave to remain') in the United Kingdom must pass the test or take the special English course.
The Ghosts Of Izieu (Penguin Readers, Level 3)

by James Watson; retold by J Escott
Pearson Education Ltd (2000) | ISBN: 0582426545 | pages 42
PDF | English | 10.8 MB
Grey Light came from between the bedroom curtains, like the light of an old black and white film. In it she could see boys and girls in coats. They were carrying packages, and some had bags over their shoulders. Who are these children? Where are they going? Are they real, or is Elise seeing ghosts from the past? And why did her father bring her to this little French village? What secrets does it hide?
Penguin Readers Factsheets (Teacher’s Notes and Student’s Activities)
For Children,
Languages - English
Jude the Obscure, Level 5 (Penguin Readers Series)

by Thomas Hardy
Pearson Education Ltd (November 1998) | ISBN-13: 9780582402645 | pages 77
PDF | English | 23.6 MB (+ full text)
"Upon its first appearance in 1895, Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure shocked Victorian critics and readers with a frank depiction of sexuality and an unbridled indictment of the institutions of marriage, education, and religion - reportedly causing one Anglican bishop to order the book publicly burned. The experience so exhausted Hardy that he never wrote a work of fiction again." Rich in symbolism, Jude the Obscure is the story of Jude Fawley and his struggle to rise from his station as a poor Wessex stone mason to that of a scholar at Christminster. It is also the story of Jude's ill-fated relationship with his cousin Sue Bridehead - and the ultimate tragedy that causes Jude's undoing and Sue's transformation. Jude the Obscure explores man's essential loneliness and remains one of Hardy's most widely read novels. Plus full text.
For Children,
Languages - English
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Coin Collecting For Dummies, 2nd edition (For Dummies)

Publisher: For Dummies | Pages: 384 | 2008-01-03 | ISBN: 0470222751 | PDF | 21 MB
Can’t make heads or tails out of coin collecting? You need Coin Collecting For Dummies, 2nd Edition, the treasure trove on information on numismatics. This hands-on guide escorts you through the world’s oldest hobby, helping you decide which type of coins you want to collect, keep your collection in mint condition, buy and sell coins on the Internet, find interesting coin shows to attend, and assemble and diversify a great collection.
The purpose of this fun, easy-to-access guide is to turn you into a world-class coin collector in as little time as possible. You’ll learn what coins can teach you about history and geography, develop organizational and observational skills, and learn to use analytical tools, all without event thinking about it. And you’ll learn the basics about ancient coins, U.S. coins, world coins, and the wild-and-wooly stuff that really gets your numismatic juices flowing. Discover how to:
• Start your collection correctly
• Evaluate coins using age, condition, rarity, and more
• Buy interesting coins without breaking the bank
• Locate rare and expensive coins
• Get savvy about avoiding fakes
• Get the whole family involved in your collection
• Develop a buying strategy
• Clean and handle coins safely
• Keep your collection secure at home and on the road
• Investigate tokens, medals, and miscellaneous coins
• Create complete collections of copper, nickel, silver, or gold U.S. coins
When it comes to numismatics, Coin Collecting For Dummies, 2nd Edition is right on the money!
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