An Asperger Dictionary of Everyday Expressions
Ian Stuart-Hamilton | Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2007)
PDF | English | 1.5 MB | Pages: 256
ISBN / ASIN: 1843105187
Addressing an important aspect of social communication for people with Asperger Syndrome, who use direct, precise language and 'take things literally', this dictionary of idiomatic expressions aims to dispel any confusion that arises from the misinterpretation of language. This book provides explanations of over 5,000 idiomatic expressions plus a guide to their politeness level. Each expression is accompanied by a clear explanation of its meaning and when and how it might be used. The expressions are taken from American and British English, with some Australian expressions included as well. Although the book is primarily intended for people with Asperger Syndrome, it will be useful for anyone who finds problems understanding idiomatic and colloquial English.
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