Thursday 29 May 2008

Idioms in American Life

Idioms in American Life
Julie Howard | Prentice Hall; 1st edition (Feb 1987)
PDF | English | 2.3 MB| 138 pages
ISBN-10: 0134502078 | ISBN-13: 978-0134502076

This introductory book of idioms is designed to be used in advanced-beginning and intermediate classes of ESUEFL and is appropriate for adult, college-level,or secondary school students.
An idiom is a group of two or more words that has a special meaning different from the meanings of its component parts. The idioms in this book have been selected with regard to frequency of use and degree of difficulty. The lesson design is based on the following premises:
1. Advanced beginners and intermediate students have encountered idioms and are curious about them.
2. These students can and should learn to understand and use idioms.
3. To attain fluency learners must come away from the lesson with a clear understanding
of the idioms in both situational and grammatical contexts.
4. A feeling of accomplishment will result when students have had intensive practice in the use of a few idioms at a time. Memorization of long lists of idioms that they cannot use confidently will result in discouragement and apathy.
The text consists of twenty self-contained lessons. There is a review section after every four lessons, and a crossword puzzle follows lessons 10 and 20. The book will reinforce students' grammar, writing, and conversation skills.Manipulation of statements, questions, and negatives in the simple present, present continuous, simple past, and future tenses is required throughout. As a rule,items requiring familiarity with the present perfect are located in the second half of the book.


1 comment:

  1. exceleny book . you can learn in a easy way. sav


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