The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales (3 Vol. set)
By Donald Haase | Greenwood Press (2007) | ISBN: 0313334412
PDF | English | 15 MB | 1240 pages
Folk and fairy tales exist in all cultures and are at the heart of civilization. The most comprehensive work of its kind, this massive Encyclopedia gives students and general readers a broad, accessible, multicultural survey of folk and fairy tales from around the world. Edited by one of the foremost authorities on the subject, the Encyclopedia draws on the work of numerous expert contributors and covers a broad range of themes and motifs, characters and character types, genres, individuals, national traditions, and other topics. Extensively cross-referenced.
Fully illustrated. Helps literature students analyze and undestand folk and fairy tales as literary forms. Helps social studies students understand folk and fairy tales as the foundation of cultures around the world. Fosters a respect for cultural diversity. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife is organized into volumes on particular regions, and by culture group within each region. This book has a straight alphabetical organization of entries. The Greenwood Encyclopedia of World Folklore and Folklife includes substantial entries on particular culture groups. This book includes entries on national folktale and fairy tale traditions, but most of the entries are topical.