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Successful Writing Proficiency PDF | English | 16.5 MB |
160 pages Express Publishing; 2nd revised edition (July 2000) ISBN-10: 1842168800 | ISBN-13: 978-1842168806 Successful Writing Proficiency consists of nine units which cover all types of composition writing (description narratives, letters, discursive essays, articles, reviews) required at advanced levels. Each unit starts with a lean listening activity through which the basic plan for the type of writing the unit deals with is introduced. This also sen as a brainstorming activity, giving the teacher the chance to elicit useful language and ideas on the topic discussion. Detailed theory and plans are provided to be used as a reference by students. A variety of models which the theory is applied are followed by exercises to improve students' writing skills, focusing on register a style. The exercises are graded, leading to the acquisition of those skills needed for students to be able to WI successfully at advanced levels. Topic identification, "discuss and write" sections and study check sections reinforce students' knowledge and remind them of the structures previously presented, thus helping them revise the write areas covered in the book. The Teacher's Book provides answers to the exercises, model plans, transcripts of 1 listening exercises and useful teaching tips. At the back of the Teacher's Book are marked model compositions help teachers mark students' compositions. The book is accompanied by a cassette with all the listening exercise The units can either be presented in the order they appear in the book or teachers can select the unit they want resent according to their own judgment and their students' needs. The course can be covered in approximate 30 one-hour lessons.
Check Your English Vocabulary for Human Resources (Check Your Vocabulary)Rawdon Wyatt | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2005)PDF | PDF | 1 MB | Pages: 80 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0747569975 | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780747569978 This book has been written for anyone working, or planning to work, in human resources and personnel management, and who wants to develop their vocabulary for this line of work. The various exercises throughout the book focus on the key vocabulary that you would expect to understand and use on a day-to-day basis.The book is also useful for anyone working in other business-related areas (secretarial,administrative, accountancy, sales, business law, business management, etc) who wants to broaden their knowledge of business vocabulary.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (Oxford Paperbacks)Elizabeth Knowles | Oxford University Press, USA; 4th edition (Oct 2001)PDF | English | 1.3 MB | 560 pagesISBN-10: 0198662688 | ISBN-13: 978-0198662686 As Emerson once said, "By necessity, by proclivity--and by delight, we all quote." In this new edition of the Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, you can find (and verify) classic quotes and little known gems--the words of the famous and the notorious, the witty and the wise--in acollection of over 9,000 quotations from more than 2,000 authors. Offering all the authority and accuracy of the acclaimed Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, the fourth edition maintains its extensive coverage of literary and historical quotations and contains completely up-to-date material on today's influential and cultural figures. From Homer, Shakespeare, and the Bible to the sound-bites of today's politicians and pop stars, this indispensable guide is unceasingly entertaining for the general reader and a highly practical reference for study or speech-writing. Perhaps the most useful feature of this dictionary is a keyword index, for tracing half-remembered quotations to their authors, or finding quotations on a particular subject.An ideal reference for any home or office library, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, Fourth Edition will be a constant source of entertainment and inspiration for public speakers, writers, or anyone else who enjoys a sparkling line or a spirited reply.
Take Part: Speaking Canadian English Karen P. Bardy, Lucia Pietrusiak Engkent | Prentice HallPDF | English | 4.5 MB | 161 pagesISBN-10: 0138829292 | ISBN-13: 978-0138829292 Take-Part: Speaking Canadian English, Second Edition is ideal for students who have a good grasp of formal English but have difficulty with informal language. It's a converstion book for Intermediate level ESL students. Units focus on topics of everyday converstion, such as weather, leisure time, travel, fitness and dining out. Each unit includes dialogues or prose passages, language notes, a culture note, additional vocabulary and a variety of activities and discussion questions.
In And Out Of English: For Better, For Worse? (Translating Europe)Gunilla M. Anderman, Margaret Rogers | Multilingual Matters Limited (2005)PDF | English | 2.3 MB | Pages: 303ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1853597872 | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781853597879 In and out of English: For Better, For Worse? is concerned with the impact of English as the lingua franca of today’s world, in particular its relationship with the languages of Europe. Within this framework a number of themes are explored, including linguistic imperialism, change as the result of language contact, the concept of the English native speaker, and the increasing need in an enlarged Europe for translation into as well as out of English.
Longman New Junior English Dictionary (NJED)Longman Publishing Group; New Edition (Dec 1993)PDF | English | 16.6 MB | 396 pagesISBN-10: 0582094852 | ISBN-13: 978-0582094857 Clear, colourful and easy to use, this dictionary has been specially written for young learners, and will not only help them to expand their vocabulary but to correct their use of words.12,000 words and phrases with defintions written using a defining vocabulary of just 1600 words. 16 pages of colour illustrations, plus 300 black and white illustrations in the text. Usage notes and workbook introduction ready-made for practice in using dictionaries.
501 Grammar and Writing Questions Learning Express (NY);1999PDF | English | 1.02 MB | 180 pagesISBN-10: 1576854000 | ISBN-13: 978-1576854006 501 Grammar and Writing Questions helps students build writing skills and master the rules of grammar and writing to communicate ideas clearly and effectively. This book teaches through questions about the mechanics of capitalization and punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, paragraph development, and essay questions. Utilizing a mix of multiple choice and essay questions, just like what students see on many placement and state assessment tests, this book is a helpful aid for preparing for tests of many kinds. The questions come along with examples of essays that range from poor to superior and explanations that provide a clear understanding of how to write the best essay.
Usborne English Spelling Book guide new workbookPDF | English | 5.0 MB | Pages 34 These bright and lively guides are designed to help you express yourself more clearly and accurately in English. Each book points out common mistakes in written English and show how they can be avoided.English Spelling sets out the simple rules (and the exceptions) for spelling English words, with lots of examples and tips to help you remember them. There are guidelines and forming plurals and for using prefixes and suffixes and puzzles, quizzes and games to practise your spellingIn addition, on the Usborne Quicklinks website there are links to useful websites where you can find more tips for writing good English and online dictionaries, tests, quizzes and games. * Plenty of tricks and techniques to help remember the rules * Presented in a highly visual and entertaining form * A valuable resource for home, school and the officeAnyone who has had difficulty with spelling will find this lively guide invaluable. Good spellers will learn how to avoid the less obvious mistakes. Readers learning English as a second language will find it a useful guide through the puzzling pitfalls and inconsistencies of English spelling.
A Dictionary of Science (Oxford Paperback Reference)PDF | English | 8.2 MB | 896 pages Oxford University Press, USA; 5 edition (Sept 2005) ISBN-10: 0192806416 | ISBN-13: 978-0192806413 This best-selling dictionary contains over 9,000 entries on all aspects of science. It provides comprehensive coverage of biology (including human biology), chemistry, physics, the earth sciences, and astronomy. The entries are supported by over 200 clear diagrams and illustrations, and fully cross-referenced for ease of use. Other features include short biographies of leading scientists, full page illustrated features on subjects such as the Solar System and Genetically Modified Organisms, and chronologies of specific scientific subjects including plastics, electronics, and cell biology. Both concise and wide-ranging, this dictionary is an ideal handy reference work for students, and a great introduction for non-scientists.
The King's English (Oxford Language Classics Series)PDF | English | 1.0 MB | 400 pages Oxford University Press, USA; 3rd edition (April 2003) ISBN-10: 0198605072 | ISBN-13: 978-0198605072 Had Dickens owned a copy of The King's English he would not have written 'your great ability and trustfulness'; he would have recognized the malapropism and realized that the context demanded trustworthiness. In this classic reference book the Fowler brothers illustrate by examples all the blunders of English usage that are commonly made, and guide the reader to improved expression and style. -- The essential guide to written English -- Examples of commonly-made grammatical blunders taken from famous authors and newspapers, eg Thackeray, Ruskin, De Quincey, The Times, The Spectator -- The ideal companion to Fowler's Modern English Usage If you liked "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage," you will love "The King's English."For three generations, a single book dominated the market as the authoritative reference in matters of grammar, style, and usage in the English language: "A Dictionary of Modern English Usage" by H.W. Fowler, first published in 1926, now in its third edition (published 1996). Twenty years earlier, however, Fowler and his younger brother F.G. (their given names were Henry Watson and Francis George) had collaborated on a precursor, "The King's English," first published in 1906 (and which went into its third edition a quarter century later, a few years after the first edition of "A Dictionary" appeared).
An Introduction to English MorphologyAndrew Carstairs-McCarthy | Edinburgh University Press (March 2002)PDF | English | 1.6 MB | 160 PagesISBN-10: 0748613269 | ISBN-13: 978-0748613267 What exactly are words? Are they the things that get listed in dictionaries, or are they the basic units of sentence structure? Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy explores the implications of these different approaches to words in English. He explains the various ways in which words are related to one another, and shows how the history of the English language has affected word structure. Topics include: words, sentences and dictionaries; a word and its parts (roots and affixes); a word and its forms (inflection); a word and its relatives (derivation); compound words; word structure; productivity; and the historical sources of English word formation.
Collins English Dictionary and Thesaurus Collins; 3Rev Edition (April 2003)Format: EXE | 21.3 MB | Pages 1123 ISBN-10: 0007142358 | ISBN-13: 978-0007142354 Collins's English Dictionary and Thesaurus provides instant access to over 200,000 definitions and 340,000 synonyms and antonyms.• Fast and simple user interface• Full text and anagram searches• History list for reviewing your entries• Easy cross-referencing between Dictionary and ThesaurusThis title offers instant dictionary access to 200,000 definitions and over 340,000 synonyms and antonyms. Includes: 14,000 new and updated entries; etymologies; pronunciations; examples of words in use; in-depth information on how to use words appropriately, and more.There is a 340,000-word thesaurus which includes antonyms.Definitions search to find a word when you only know its definition, or have a vague idea of what it meansBrowse function lets you look through the entire dictionary or thesaurus one word at a time.
1000 Quick Writing IdeasPDF | English | 1.7MB | 46 pagesISBN-10: 0415447097 | ISBN-13: 978-0415447096 How often do you hear your pupils cry 'what can I write about?' 1000 Quick Writing Ideas offers teachers endless ideas and inventive suggestions, opening up new opportunities for creative writing lessons. With over 1000 different story-starters across a vast range of genres and narrative styles, this versatile book provides food for thought for pupils of a wide range of ages and abilities. This highly practical and richly illustrated photocopiable resource * Addresses the blank mind dilemma, offering pupils a plethora of story-writing ideas and suggestions * Enables teachers to inspire pupils who struggle with creative writing * Provides prompts to set ideas into motion, whilst leaving plenty of scope for original and creative thought * Challenges pupils, encouraging them to use higher level thinking skills * Offers mix and match stimulus pieces which can be used independently or put together to give pupils more or less support as required Any teacher whose inventiveness is flagging, and whose pupils are running out of ideas, will find this an essential classroom resource.
Alphabet Soup - An A to Z of AbbreviationsRosalind Fergusson | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC (2004)PDF | English | 1.9 MB | Pages: 192 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0747572305 | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780747572305 This book covers the four main types of abbreviation – shortenings, contractions, initialisms, and acronyms – but does not label them explicitly. These four types are as follows:Shortenings of words usually consist of the first few letters of the full form and are usually spelt with a final full stop when they are still regarded as abbreviations, for example cont. = continued, etc. = et cetera. They may also consist of the stressed syllable of the shortened word, e.g. bus or gym. In cases where they form words in their own right, the full stop is omitted, for example hippo = hippopotamus. Such shortenings are often but not always informal. Some become the standard forms, and the full forms are then regarded as formal or technical, for example bus = omnibus,pub = public house, zoo = zoological garden.Contractions are abbreviated forms in which letters from the middle of the full form have been omitted, for example Dr = doctor, St = saint or street. Practice varies with regard to adding a full stop, but in modern British usage it is increasingly usual to omit it. Another kind of contraction is the type with an apostrophe marking the omission of letters: can’t = cannot, didn’t = did not, you’ve = you have.Initialisms are made up of the initial letters of words and are pronounced as separate letters: CIA (or C.I.A.), pm (or p.m.), US (or U.S.). Practice again varies with regard to full stops, with current usage increasingly in favour of omitting them, especially when the initialism consists entirely of capital letters.Acronyms are initialisms that have become words in their own right, or similar words formed from parts of several words. They are pronounced as words rather than as a series of letters, for example Aids, NATO, FIFA, and do not have full stops. Some become so established they are no longer recognized as acronyms, for example radar, laser and scuba. In many cases the acronym becomes the standard term and the full form is only used in explanatory contexts.
Building Skills for the TOEFL iBT, Beginning ReadingAdam Worcester; Lark Bowerman, Casey Malarcher | Compass Publishing (July 1, 2006)PDF | English | 5.3 MB | 178 PagesISBN-10: 1599660008 | ISBN-13: 978-1599660004 Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT is the first step in a graded test preparation course designed to hone the test-taking skills required of students who will take the TOEFL® iBT administered by ETS. In addition to familiarizing students with innovative question types found on the TOEFL® iBT, this course provides tips and strategies for each of the four skill-based test sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.Key Features of Reading:- Focused practice of each question type- Controlled note-taking activities- Annotated reading passages to support vocabulary acquisition- Graded practice to support comfortable development of test skills- Authentic test practice modeled on the TOEFL® iBT format- Full answer key including sample responses for summaries and note-taking.
Check Your Vocabulary for Academic English: All You Need to Pass Your Exams
(Check Your Vocabulary)David Porter | A & C Black Publishers (2007) | Pages: 80 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 071368285X | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780713682854 A range of activities to help students learn and revise the academic English vocabulary—essential for the study of any subject in a university—are featured in this workbook. Self-study exercises and practical classroom activities make it easy to refresh classroom knowledge at home. A range of word games, crosswords, puzzles, and quizzes are included, helping nonnative English speakers build vocabulary confidence in fun, memorable ways.
Check Your English Vocabulary for Living in the UKRawdon Wyatt | A & C Black Publishers Ltd (2006) | Pages: 80 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 071367914X | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780713679144 This book has been written for anyone coming to live and / or work in the United Kingdom, and who wants to:
* test and develop their knowledge of the key words and expressions that they might need or
* encounter on a day-to-day basis* learn about different aspects of the United Kingdom, including its history, politics, laws, rules,institutions and way of life.
Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL (Check Your Vocabulary)Rawdon Wyatt | A & C Black Publishers Ltd (2007) | Pages: 128 ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0713684143 | ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780713684148 More than 60 activities, including word games, puzzles, and quizzes, make this workbook ideal for improving and building English vocabulary. Written for students who are preparing for the TOEFL paper and computer tests, this guide is ideal for self-study or can be incorporated into an existing TOEFL instruction syllabus. Contents are organized by topic area and vocabulary use. TOEFL-type test questions for teaching vocabulary are included, along with teacher notes and a chart for using the worksheets for solo and classroom exercises.
Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine (Check Your English Vocabulary series)A&C Black (2007) | Pages 65PDF | English | 1 MB
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 071367590X ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780713675900 Updated to include new terms and references, this workbook helps nonnative English speakers improve their knowledge and understanding of core medical terminology. Students, nurses, doctors, and other medical staff can test and build their medical English vocabulary with a combination of self-study exercises, practical speaking activities, and amusing crosswords, puzzles, and word games. Ideal for home and class-based study, these exercises ensure that language is not a barrier for medical professionals whose first language is not English.
Vocabulary For Civil Service TestsLearningExpress, LLC; 1st edition (April 2003)LearningExpress EditorsPDF | English | 1.3 MB | 224 pagesISBN-10: 1576854744 | ISBN-13: 978-1576854747 Competition for civil service jobs is tough, so applicants need to be prepared for the qualifying civil service exam. This book is the best resource to improve verbal skills to succeed on any civil service test. Readers will not only learn about the different types of civil service exams, but also about the most effective ways to prepare for any test, including preventing test stress and creating a study plan.